
Two-Year-Old Contracts COVID-19, Total Now At 125 In Jamaica

The National Influenza Centre has reported that 20 additional samples have tested positive for COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Jamaica to 125.  

The 20 additional confirmed cases include 5 males and 15 females, with ages ranging from 2 years to 43 years, the health ministry said. Two (2) cases are imported – one is a 2 year old male from St. James, and the other is a 43 year-old female from St. Catherine. The other 18 individuals are from St Catherine and arise out of an investigation of a BPO site, Alorica, from which there has been other confirmed cases. 

This brings to 52, the number of confirmed cases working at Alorica. Their ages range from 18 to 34 years. They include 41 females and 11 males. There are 47 individuals from St Catherine, 3 from Kingston and St. Andrew, 1 from Clarendon and 1 from Portland.

There are now 33 imported cases, 34 cases are contacts of a confirmed case, 6 are local transmission cases not epidemiologically-linked and 52 cases are under the Alorica investigation. Some 51(41%) confirmed cases are male and 74 (59%) are female, while the ages of all confirmed cases range from 2 to 87 years old.


The health departments across the island are currently tracing approximately 432 close contacts of the confirmed cases.

The National Influenza Centre has also advised that to date, a total of 1,391 samples have been tested including those for Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) resulting in 1,258 negative and 125 positive, with eight samples pending.

The total number of persons recovered and released from hospital is 21 while, there are 5 deaths. The fifth death is a 63 year old female from Portland, who died on Tuesday, April 14, 2020.

Currently 66 patients remain in isolation and 21 persons are in quarantine at a government facility.


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