Prime Minister Holness Unveils $70 Million Plan To Enhance Sangster International Airport

In response to recent complaints about long delays in processing visitors at Sangster International Airport (SIA) in Montego Bay, St. James, Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced a $70 million investment to enhance the airport’s facilities and services.
Holness revealed the investment during a tour of the $70 million runway expansion project at the MBJ-operated airport.
He acknowledged that the airport’s aging infrastructure and inadequate capacity were causing significant bottlenecks in passenger reception, particularly due to travel times and narrow windows.
Holness underlined that the combined $140 million investment in SIA was a strategic nation-building effort.
He added that the funds would significantly transform visitors’ experiences and make Jamaica more appealing and competitive with other countries in the region that have already invested heavily in upgrading their infrastructure, thereby giving them an edge in attracting tourism revenue.
Holness further remarked that Jamaica has a well-recognized, robust brand, and the country must take advantage of it to promote economic and social development.
Improving the infrastructure aligns with the country’s strategy to match its brand reputation, entice more tourists, increase spending in the local economy, and improve the quality of life for Jamaicans.
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