20 Passengers On UK Flight To Jamaica Test Positive For COVID-19
20 of the 301 passengers who arrived in Jamaica from the United Kingdom on Monday have tested positive for COVID-19 – the Ministry of Health and Wellness has revealed.
According to the Health Ministry the individuals who tested positive will be placed in state isolation, along with four of their close contacts, and monitored until they recover.
In a subsequent release, the ministry also said the 20 positive samples will be sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) for genetic assessment to determine if they are the new variant strain of COVID-19 detected in the UK.
The release also said the results for two passengers are still pending, while 267 travellers who have tested negative for COVID-19, will be transferred from state to home quarantine on Wednesday.
They will closely monitored as they complete their mandatory 14-day quarantine at home.

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