Bolt Reveals He Has Considered Coming Out Of Retirement
It hasn’t been three full years since the world’s fastest man hung up his spikes and retired from track and field.
Many fans of the speed king were understandably saddened by his departure from the sport and many encouraged him to stay just a bit longer.
The sprint legend, in a recent interview admitted that he has missed competing.
While speaking with CNN Sport’s Coy Wire, Bolt said: “I talked to my track coach and he was like, ‘No, you are not doing it.”
Bolt recalled his coach Glen Mills telling him: “People that retire and come back — it doesn’t always work out.”
The 33-year-old explained why he was able to resist the temptation to exit retirement saying:
“For me, at the end, I knew it was time because the drive wasn’t there.”
He added:
“Every time I watch track and field I miss it. And every time I go to the track to see my coach and I watch him training I go, ‘Did I make the right decision?’ … But every time I train with them I think, ‘Ah yeah I made the right decision. I don’t miss this.”

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