Jamaican Visual Artist Maia Chung’s Work Chosen For IDB’s Global Art Installation 2018

Jamaican visual artist Maia Chung started 2018 off with a huge development. The artist’s work has been chosen to represent Jamaica in the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Art Collection’s Sidewalk of the Americas worldwide installation this year.
The exhibition encompasses work from mid career and emerging visual artists from IDB countries.
According to Chung “this is massive for me. It is the IDB! My art is representing my nation and has transcended art, in its traditional manifestations and is now a voice for issues affecting my people”. She added “this is every artist’s dream”.
Chung’s piece Miss Jamaica Pain has been selected for the prestigious multi country exhibitions.The piece speaks to the number of damaging beauty issues now plaguing Caribbean women who are drawing their beauty standards from first world pop culture references. And is an homage to the Matisse piece Blue Nude.
The honor and exposure in the international sphere are being cited as great by Chung, who has been steadily developing her art career.
Since formally starting her visual art career in October 2015 Chung has been doing well; selling multiple pieces to private collections…exhibiting at Jamaica’s most prestigious national shows and winning two national awards in 2017 for her work on paper Mavis and photo Ghost Face Killah from the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC).Her work has been featured internationally by the global art community as well.
“I plan to accomplish a lot more this year as an artist” Chung said. She will be keeping people updated on the places the exhibitions will be mounted as well as all the other developments surrounding her first international installation via her website www.maiachung.com and her instagram @maiachung. Information on the Sidewalk of the Americas is also available on the official website of the IDB.
Chung began her art life as a result of losing her mom, dad and grandmother to cancer between 2016 to 2017. It is a method of coping. She said that the only reason these great things are happening in her life has to do with God restoring her and working through her.
Maia Chung is also a successful journalist/author/actress/model and philanthropist.
The Inter-American Development Bank is the largest source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean. Established in 1959, the IDB supports Latin American and Caribbean economic development, social development and regional integration by lending to governments and government agencies, including State corporations.
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