Jamaica Gets Additional Area Code!
A new area code has been introduced in Jamaica to supplement the existing 876 area code.
The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) revealed that the introduction of the new area code (658) will help ensure that there are sufficient numbers available to satisfy growth in demand for these resources over the next 25 years.
Director General of the OUR Ansord E. Hewitt stated the new code will be used in addition to, and not as a replacement for, the existing 876 area code.
He also revealed that it will be used once the existing telephone numbers under the 876 area code are exhausted. However, the most immediate change will be the introduction of 10-digit dialling, for local telephone calls, come 2018 May 31.
All persons will be required to amend their current phone numbers to the new format in order to complete calls.
For example, to call the OUR persons need to dial 876-968-6053.

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