Jamaicans Fall Victim to ‘Wangiri’ Telephone Scam
A type of phone scam that typically involves the use of autodiallers to make short-duration calls is becoming more prominent in Jamaica.
The calls are oftentimes made to mobile devices, leaving a missed call number with the aim being for prospective victims to return the call. When the calls are returned, victims are generally billed at outrages rates or hear advertising messages.
This type of fraud is known as Wangiri (literally, “One (ring) and cut”) and is said to have originated in Japan.
Over the weekend, phone users in Jamaica took to social media to complain about losing credit after returning calls to foreign numbers with a Polish area code (+48).
Digicel Jamaica has already released a public advisory on the issue stating:
“Digicel has been blocking some overseas phone numbers involved in a one-ring scam to some customers. While we continue to monitor this type of activity coming out of Poland, we advise customers to be on the alert. Do not return these unwanted one-ring calls from unfamiliar country codes that could result in hefty charges. “
“Customers are also advised that in the event they accept these calls, they should hang up quickly, do not share personal information and ignore instructions to enter a number.”
“Digicel is serious about protecting customers from telecommunications fraud and we will work together with customers to fight it.”

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