Half Jamaican Attorney General Likely to Become 2nd Black Woman Elected to US Senate
History in the making!
Kamala Harris,- who has a Jamaican-American father and an Indian mother is currently on course to represent the state of California in the United States Senate.
Based on votes thus far, Harris currently leads her closest competitor Loretta Sanchez by a margin of roughly 2-to-1 to become the state’s next senator.
A recent survey in mid-October from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) saw Harris leading Sanchez 42 percent to 20 percent.
Harris is a lawyer, politician, and member of the Democratic Party, who has been the 32nd and current Attorney General of California since 2011.
If she is elected, she would become the second black woman to be elected to the US Senate.
And she has major backing, having been officially endorsed by President Obama who has described her as a “fearless fighter”.
Watch her campaign at a rally in Sacramento California below:
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/KamalaHarris/videos/10155053528562923/” width=”694″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

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