Cops in Jamaica to Wear Body Cameras
The use of body cameras bay law enforcement officers continues to increase in several countries around the world.
Police officers in Jamaica may soon begin wearing body cameras as well.
On Monday (august 22), The Police High Command revealed that that the Body-Worn Camera Project, a collaborative initiative of the US Embassy and the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) will be launched on Thursday.
Under this project, police personnel will be required to wear body cameras during operations.
According to RJR – INDECOM Commissioner Terrence Williams has expressed his approval for the project stating that “body-worn cameras are devices which can assist in getting to the truth.”
“In situations, it can provide an account which may support or refute the version of the police or the version of the general public. So in that regard, the device being deployed should assist in the whole framework of accountability for our police,” said Mr. Williams.
In 2014, there were 129 fatal shootings by police and 99 in 2015.
In 2016, there has already been a 20 per cent increase, as the police battle surging gang violence.

Source: RJR
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