Gaycation (TV Series) Episode Featuring Jamaica Sparks Online Debate
A Jamaican edition of Gaycation — a travel series hosted by Canadian movie star, Ellen Page and her best friend, Ian Daniel journey has sparked debate online.
This after a preview clip of an episode of the show which documents the lives of people from the queer community was posted online and shared via social media.
Many persons who viewed the clip seemingly believe it unfairly portrays Jamaica as a very unsafe place for members of the LGBT community.
In the upcoming episode, the show’s hosts question a transgender man who calls himself Trina Bo$$ B**ch.
While being interviewed, he eventually expresses his desire to gain asylum overseas because he fears for his life in Jamaica. He also shows where he was allegedly burnt with acid and shot by persons who do not agree with his lifestyle.
See some comments posted by viewers below:
“violence / oppression is a major reason tourists are going elsewhere. Maybe Jamaica will wake up, money is a great motivator”
“I am a Christian Jamaican and seeing this video made me sad. I do agree with the tradition marriage between a man and a woman but come on Jamaica! You should not be treating a person like this, acid, gunshots and unemployed. Just because we do not agree with a persons views and ideology’s doesn’t give us the right to treat someone like this. We must treat every human being with love and RESPECT, that is how I was raised!”
“Contrary to what is portrayed, a lot of the violence that these “gully queens” experience is actually INTER-community violence, i.e. them being violent towards each other. It is kind of inevitable – marginalised young people living together on the streets, struggling for scare resources in a harsh environment. We need to tell the full story. Programmes like this that just tell one side – Jamaicans treating the poor gays badly – can actually be counterproductive because when we Jamaicans watch it, we don’t recognize what is being portrayed. When something doesn’t strike that chord of truth, it won’t provoke your conscience. These groups of homeless gay youth squat on private property, will trash vacant houses that they capture, and sometimes attack and provoke passerby. A few weeks ago, some of them at hang out off Waterloo Rd in Kingston robbed and killed a grocery store worker on his way home from work. But a documentary like this would never mention something like that, which can greatly antagonize a community against these groups and provide an easy justification for those who are ready to dislike them.”
“That acid burn and gunshot wound had me cringing. God… how can you live with yourself, harming another human being like that?”
“nothing is more dangerous than engaging sociopaths in a ‘conversation’, and that happens on this show constantly. either avoid it or beat it w a bat”
“bad man don’t apologize to no b*tty b*y”
“Wow, using the gay card to act like they were shot for being gay. This is because the men there are trying to act like female prostitutes and ripping people off sometimes. What card will they pull out next? I bet dollars to donuts she ran her mouth calling herself ”boss b*tch” to some random guy in the hood and THE true boss of the hood attacked him for running his mouth. Has nothing to do with being gay, just a 1-sided story from the storyteller himself, I don’t believe its true without the evidence. This is not real proven gay bashing… just a story using this b*tch reporter girl that is clearly over-sensationalizing all her ”gay” stories to make a bogus claim for her ”cause”

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