Watch This Young Man Turn To Scamming in This Emotional Short Film (Video)
It is a sad reality that scamming has become quite pervasive in our society.
High levels of unemployment and lack of opportunities have undoubtedly contributed to this scourge plaguing our island.
Though most Jamaicans work very hard to earn a living, there are many, particularly youngsters who have no desire to do the required labour to achieve their dreams.
Scamming has become a relatively easy and quick way for many persons to ‘get rich quick’ and the practice continues to become more regular despite numerous initiatives by authorities to curb it.
Sometimes, dire situations lead good persons to do things they know are wrong as can be seen in this short film below.
The emotional film titled ‘Motive‘ by iKon media, features popular Jamaican comedian Kevin Swaby. Check out his Youtube channel here.

No matter how dire a situation is nothing can make up for doing something wrong
I can relate to this video. I went to university, got my bachelor degree with honors, but still I can’t get a job. I submitted over 500 resumes and application letters, but the few call backs that I got were paying $8000 per week which is basically lunch money and bus fare. When I pay bus fare, buy lunch, pay SLB, pay light and water bill, pay rent and buy groceries, I would have a balance of -$40,000. It is very sad to know that our country is retracting, there are no progress, as such the youths have to resort… Read more »
Mouth make to chat who feels it knows it.
Unless Jamaicans stand up and fight for something, nothing new is going to happen. Robbing people of their hard earn money is wrong. These young people are in a culture of “freeness”. There is no excuse to rip people off, what if it was you?
When it comes to your mother you will do anything even what you don’t want to do. I am thankful that I had God and NO FRIENDS when that time came upon me. Friends influence you to make the WRONG DECISION that later you find yourself regretting but yet you cannot leave it because the evidence is there that you have done it. Yes when my mother started to go down in her sickness I seek God and got the work I needed to help her. One year in the work she dies but I am thankful I was able… Read more »
How can Jamaica need preachers and you go to university to pursue farming? It’s a supply and demand world
Lying and stealing is the foundation of capitalism. Only Jamaicans and other Black people are silly enough to believe trusting in religion will make them rich. The same people working the “good” government jobs in Jamaica (politicians, bureacrats) lie and steal from the public for a living but look down on so-called scammers. The problem with scamming is just like gambling it’s not sustainable and the money tends to get wasted on consumer poison like flashy cars instead of using it for building and growing.
Lying and stealing is the foundation of capitalism. Only Jamaicans and other Black people are silly enough to believe trusting in religion will make them rich. The same people working the “good” government jobs in Jamaica (politicians, bureacrats) lie and steal from the public for a living but look down on so-called scammers. The problem with scamming is just like gambling it’s not sustainable and the money tends to get wasted on consumer poison like flashy cars instead of using it for building and growing.