Half Jamaican Mom Gave Birth to Black and White Twins!
It is not a common occurrence for twins to have radically different skin tones.
Donna Douglas, a half Jamaican woman gave birth to biracial twins in 1997.
The twins, Lucy and Maria Aylmer, now 18, have constantly sparked the curiosity of strangers because of how different they look.
Their differences are not only in appearance.
The girls also have very different personalities and interests.
Maria has brown hair, a caramel complexion and studies law and psychology while her sister Lucy has a very fair complexion, red hair studies art.

According to the NY Post, “No one ever believes we are twins because I am white and Maria is black,” Lucy explained. “Even when we dress alike, we still don’t even look like sisters, let alone twins”, said the girls.
According to Lucy, one of the best things about having a twin that doesn’t bare a resemblance to her is that they are never mistaken for one another.
“We were in the same class at infant school, but no one ever had a problem telling us apart,” she explained. “Most twins look like two peas in a pod — but Maria and I couldn’t look more different if we tried. We don’t even look like we have the same parents, let alone having been born at the same time.”
The girls’ father is white.
Non-identical twins come from different eggs, so inherit different genes. The girls’ half-Jamaican mother has genes for both white and black skin. By chance, Lucy will have inherited genes for white skin and Maria will have genes that code for black skin. People with Afro-Caribbean heritage often have some European DNA, dating back in many cases to the slave trade.
This increases the chance of them passing on a gene for white skin to at least one twin.

Sources: NY Post and Daily Mail
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If you really look close you can see they look alike
If you really look close you can see they look alike
If you really look close you can see they look alike
Beautiful girls may God bless and keep them
Beautiful girls may God bless and keep them
Beautiful girls may God bless and keep them
Wow! Awesome! The creator is amazing! His thoughts are just not like ours!
Simply Amazing!!!
How is the mom half Jamaican I don’t get that is Jamaican an ethnicity or nationality?
How is the mom half Jamaican I don’t get that is Jamaican an ethnicity or nationality?
Wow God is good Amen.
Wow God is good Amen.
wow this is cool, I really love twins and they are 97 babies like myself and part Jamaican (y)
They are both gorgeous!
yes the look alike just not same color but from u look at them u see twin
1997? Talk about OLD news .
I too have twin girls, 8 years old that are so different,one dark and the other very light skinned, one has her Mother’s facial features and the other has mine….one is also taller than the other, but..! they are twins born less than a minute apart, and I just love them…!!
What is a half Jamaican
They are both pretty. Hope the parents treat both the same way.