12 Years a Mother
The day dawns, a 12 year old child sits on the edge of her bed.
The sun shines warmly outside, her mother walks into the room and sits beside her.
She stares at the ceiling and touches her stomach. There is no sign of the life growing inside her, no sign of her pregnancy.
Why is the ceiling so misty? She thinks, oh the tears are back. There were so many last time. She tries to hold them back, a fruitless battle but she fights on.
A gentle hand cups her face, her mother’s hands reach for her and the tears finally break free….

This is the image that comes to mind when I think of young *Alicia when I read her story, a child molested by two of her relatives. At a time when other children her age are frolicking and preparing for GSAT exams, Alicia is preparing for her role as a soon to be mother.
The prevalence of older men having sex with young girls is frightening. It becomes downright terrifying when one realizes the casual and even nonchalant attitude that is given to it by general public. Jamaica’s teen pregnancy rate is the fourth highest in the region despite gains in lowering the fertility rate among the demographic, according to the 2013 State of the World Population Report which turns the spotlight on girls who become mothers before their 18th birthday.
The true horror of this story however is the statement given by the police in regards to arresting the accused. In a statement to the Jamaica Gleaner, officers say they have refrained from arresting Alicia’s cousin because his foot was amputated a few weeks ago and the other ‘only visits in the wee hours of the morning.’
A man who has committed such a travesty, which has ruined the life of this young girl is allowed to prowl the streets and even plan his escape as there is no mention that a police guard has been placed on him while the other cannot be arrested because it is too early in the morning to fetch him. It is a sad day when the excuse to arrest this filth is as flimsy as this and there is no outcry. A march against homosexuality brought out almost 20,000, yet there is almost a deafening silence for this wickedness.
I am not an emotional person yet reading the story of Alicia had me afraid and disillusioned for my people and especially our girls. I grew up in a house of women and the thought of this happening made me fearful of what the world holds for every female. Our society is one where our women are the engine that drives this country yet the basic act of human decency, kindness and safety has become a fading light for them as the heart of their fellow man grows colder.
*names changed to protect identities
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Very sad indeed
Well said
Well said
This just make me think a way.. oh my mi have daughter lord and am only asking you to protect the girls of our country
Jesus christ y man can’t leave people pickney alone man stop breed people pickney enough is enough Parent take ur daughter to doctor to get pregnant test please protect the children .
Don’t ask the lord to protect your children as parents it’s your responsibility, Jamaicans should be ashamed for this to be happening to your young girls and not even a murmur is heard from the people, women stand and unite and stop this abuse make sure the police do their job and arrest these men and they go to jail for ever, as they have put these young girls in a prison of their own by taking away their childhood
Castration is the only option for these men when it comes to kids.
God protect my babies from these perverts n sorry ass excuses of a man
Isn’t it sad that there are only ten comments here and only one from a man, this shows the indifference people have towards this crime here in Jamaica, if it was about gays then the comments would be endless. Protect your children and stop worrying about other people’s gender that do not concern you.
This article was well written. However, it pains my heart, the message it has to bring. Dear God please remember our children. They are the future of our generation.
Its unfortunate that in Jamaica we pay little attention to the abuse of our children in all forms may God continue to protect them
Ignorance is bliss, certain songs are vulgar and promote promiscuity whilst condemning homosexuality. Pedophiles are rife because people would rather acknowledge gay people as a problem instead of the very family members that are abusing their children.
Damn disgusting men. They should suffer but it’s ok cus God can handle them far more better than we can. That’s the right person for them