Ganja Valuing Over $1.2 Billion Seized just South of Jamaica
Marijuana valuing over one billion dollars was confiscated yesterday on waters just south of Jamaica.
According to CBS Miami, officials said the street value of the 103 bales of marijuana is a whopping 11 US million dollars which translates to just over 1.2 billion Jamaican dollars.
“This is the largest marijuana bust done by a fast response cutter since they’ve been commissioned,” said U.S. Coast Guard Lt. J.G. Breanna Hite.
“While on routine patrol south of Jamaica, we received a report from an aircraft of a vessel with suspicious contraband on deck,” said Hite.
A Coast Guard fast-response cutter was sent out to intercept the go-fast vessel.
“The contraband was easy to find. The vessel was completely full of contraband. It was all out in the open and easily accessible,”said Hite. “We had four people on deck. They were compliant and posed no issues.”
The detainees were turned over to the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, a Coast Guard agent said.
Source: CBS Miami

If they were found south of Jamaica why were they turned over to the US?
Somehow, there is something missing from this story! How can a ship have cargo readily seen? There might have been other boats and that one was a decoy!
Is the American controlling the water around Jamaica? I think the Jamaican government should make it plain to the U.S., Government that their boundary should not be violate by the American.
So how much fuel, man power and technical equipment was utalised to track down and confiscate BUSH that is making big money in Colorado and Washington State ’cause it has been decriminalized there? This is a joke! Worse, it was confiscated in our “southern” waters but end up in US hands? Joke thing?!
so the US regularly trawl Jamaican International waters? was this being imported or exported?
US out smart the Jamaicans leaders and have them sell out them own all the time
US controls all countries with the IMF loans….disobey and they will screw you. That is why they set up countries to be in debt.
Only reason there was a bust was because someone didn’t get paid or might not have gotten paid.
well well well, what i think is that the us government will not destroy it
Come on man!!!! 2015 and man still getting locked up for weed????
Ain’t this some bullshit??????
Can you people read with little comprehension it’s read south Jamaica mean it was intenational water.