High Level UHWI Resignations Following Deaths of Newborns
There have been high level resignations at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) following the deaths of newborns from bacterial infections at the health facility.
According to the Observer, The hospital’s Chief Executive Officer Dr Cecil White and Professor Trevor McCartney, Senior Director Medical Services, reportedly submitted their resignation letters on Monday.
The board of the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI)also stated it has established a task force to monitor and review the hospital’s operations in a bid to ensure quick implementation of the PAHO recommendations and operational best practices.
The team, according to a release from UHWI late Monday, comprises representatives from the UHWI Board, UHWI senior staff members and the Ministry of Health.
They are tasked with monitoring the development at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), ensure strictest adherence to established protocols and procedures, while conducting a comprehensive review of the management structures of the institution.
The UHWI also stated updates will be issued twice a week by the team which will closely monitor the institution to ensure that mandated corrective measures are strictly adhered to.

Source: The Observer