Ten THINGS Jamaican Men wish Women knew
1. They love their male friends and their companionship. It is important to them to spend time with their male friends. They bond more with their brethren since they understand each other and can empathize with their experiences and situations than their spouses. They also feel more comfortable sharing “certain” information with their male friends.
2. If you are the wife, you should not be concerned with the assorted women he sleeps with on the side since you are the one that he comes home to every night. Women should turn a blind eye to their liaisons and infidelities if you are his main chick. You should not question his loyalty to you if you are living with him and your needs are being met.
3. Do not answer his phone or search his phone. Men hate when women invade their private space and they do not want to answer to their indiscretions. They do not want to put the woman in a position for her to witness messages in his phone that may hurt her. You lose your right to question him about anything dis-satisfactory you found in his phone since you are by law not suppose to search phone. “Anything you get, you must take, you went looking for something and you got what you were searching for”

4.Men want to have fun! Do not think that when your Jamaican man starts having sex with you, its a license for you to go ahead and get pregnant and tie him down. Your Jamaican man wants to enjoy you and he wants to have fun with you before you decide to get big and bloated. The onus is on you to protect yourself and maintain the “Fun” in the relationship. Why would you want to complicate a situation with a man you met a month ago by getting pregnant and then by your second trimester, you realize you are not getting what you want out of the relationship.
5. Babies cant hold man. Do not think that you can trap a Jamaican man into a long term relationship by getting pregnant. You will end up with the wrong end of the stick. Most men (in reality) will withdraw their affection than indulge a woman when he discovers that she is pregnant after he has hinted that he doesn’t want a child or the relationship is still in its embryonic stage. Additionally men do not think that having babies is synonymous with ambition and progress. An ambitious, progressive woman is less inclined to get pregnant in Jamaica’s brittle adverse financial climate.
6. Good Sex will keep any man around but a wholesome woman will get a man to marry her. Men are no longer “looking inna face” when it comes to relationships. They want a partner that can bring some money to the table. One hand cannot clap! They don’t need a parasitic partner but a symbiosis in their relationship. They want a partner who is leading her separate independent financial life and is not entirely dependent on him for subsistence. They claim that men want women in “9 to 5” Jobs since “times are hard”.
7. Men don’t want women who act like men. According to these young men, they want a woman who is female in the traditional sense of the word. She doesn’t question his whereabouts when he doesn’t come home! She does not call his phone and demand to know where he is! She does not see him with other women and make a scene instead she turns a blind eye! He doesn’t want a drama queen or a woman that is assertive and opinionated. He prefers docility and invisibility! A Woman who “keeps in” and takes care of his home while he traipsing across the island, having the time of his life.
8. Do not insult him in front of his friends or in public. You can even pretend to support his stance in front of his friends but do not damage his social image or reduce his peers’ respect for him by constantly asserting your opinions and emasculating him. This is the reason why he may be forced to insult and humiliate you so that he can retrieve his masculinity and peer validation. It is best to acquiesce and make him look good in front of friends. So do not become argumentative with him during a debate, if you are not on his side, “it better you no say nothing”
9. Do not treat your man like a child even if he is being juvenile. Do not see him with his friends and beckon him to come to your in a maternal voice like his mother. Men do not like to be made to feel like boys in public. They like to appear as if they are in control of their relationship, even if they are not. Stroke his ego and tell him how much of a big man he is and you will have a relationship devoid of conflicts and quarrels. Do not approach your man at a public event and raise your hand calling him like a little boy from a few feet afar, while others look on. Some men will simply ignore you and instead of embarrassing him, you end up humiliating yourself.
10. He prefers to go to the club with his friends than with you. It is not as fun when you are there because they have to be censoring their arguments and frolicking since they do not want to compromise your relationship. Clubbing is their time to unwind and have fun. It does not mean (according to them) it is an opportunity to cheat or find a prospective cheating partner. They are not hunting in packs but simply unwinding with friends while gawking, ogling and wining on women who are not their partners. They claim that they are just partying and that it doesn’t mean anything and women should not be tight strung about men going clubbing with their male friends.
What do you think?
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which sexist idiot wrote this.
As much as many will not like to admit, there is a lot of truth in this. I agree with most.
Number 2 is definitely a NO NO NO lol. But honestly even though I think most Jamaican men won’t ask their woman to turn a bling eye to their infidelities – the sad truth is many do. Let’s be honest here. I’ve personally heard many men tell their woman “Ohhh a yuh a di wifey – dem other girl deh me nuh ccare bout dem – a you me love”
Am i lying?
It seems a lot of Jamaican men need to grow up and become men in the real sense and take responsibility.
Apparently you are fully compliant with these views since it appears that you quietly and dutifully sat and listened.
Now all of that is really funny. Can we get on to sum realities plz?!
This is well written but if u think about it, it is very insulting of what they claim Jamaican man want woman to be, and who the hell expects woman to always turn a blind eye and woman with ambition job and education won’t have a hard time talking back because they are already an asset unless this is a stay at home female who needs a man with a low self esteem and not all Jamaican man are like that.
ok then…… we too as women have a life and go clubbing and have friends and talk with them and go out with them. No we wont turn a blind eye to your actions thats how we will contract HIV? AIDS. if u act like a child we will treat you accordingly. we have a job, we have children, we have the house, we have friends and we have you. What do men have their job, and their friends. Men dont flatter your selves we have a life too and it does not revolve around you only. Niggas please!
It still sounds like men should be treated like children….it still spells sarcasm …some of you women don’t want MEN you want BOYS…
As it relates to #6 most talking about independent women are just guys who want to do nothing for their woman you independent loose your job and see how many of those men give you a helping hand until you get back on your feet. They are just using independent as an excuse because sometimes that same man screaming independent women has a side chick he’s giving half his pay. Independence is not a bad thing it just should not be for some men to shy away from responsibilities
As it relates to #6 most talking about independent women are just guys who want to do nothing for their woman you independent loose your job and see how many of those men give you a helping hand until you get back on your feet. They are just using independent as an excuse because sometimes that same man screaming independent women has a side chick he’s giving half his pay. Independence is not a bad thing it just should not be for some men to shy away from responsibilities
you men should be ashamed of yourselves cant even com up with ten decent things for women to even think about knowing
some of it is true but i think men should go out more with their woman .I personally experience men going out with his friend rather than his woman.Very rare a man goes with his woman alot they mostly go out with their friends even if a woman isn’t a jealous type sometimes she will feel neglected.
these niggas need to stay single. Good men are out there and they want to play games. These are boys , I only deal with mature men.
I wish I had access to this 15 years ago. I would’ve done a lot of this differently. Jamaican men seem to want a puppet. They control all the strings. They want the security of a good stable relationship but don’t want to work for it. Such a pity.
As to do with the independent part i strongly agree that it is good to be an independent woman but most of the time when a male stresses independence is that these men are mean just want you to be with them and spend money on them and your self.Am talking from experience as you loose your job when they stress you out and nag you to just quit because of their insecurities they started to differ from you and then they say they want independent woman.SMH a the piggy bank bruk dun dat why dem a gwaan suh and… Read more »
KMT this is a load of crap and so immature the title should state what Jamaican Boys wish Jamaican girls knew!
Jamaican men are great if your not looking for commitment ,but if you do want commitment you will be hard pushed to find a decent one with morals respect decency loyalty .They are masters at talking the talk with their pleasant ego-boosting flirty conversations its not difficult not to be flattered. Why cant they keep their zipp up their no rock stars being chased by every groupie in town But without womans participation they couldn’t behave like this ,they can do this because woman let them get away with it .
This is written by a Jamaican Woman. This is the crap we have to deal with! And look how quick you made a church with your messed up views. Smh.
just don’t really agree with the #2
This RIDICULOUS and no wonder most are either single or with women as flippant and unfaithful as they are.
?Realy2 condone inffidelity and possible exposing one self to some communicable disease if he used no protection among other things(4) do not get pregnant well in this day and age both parties should be in agreement before making such a decision, or at least make sure you can support a child on your own.(10)I say you sound as if you want your cake and eat it if in a committed relationship priorities change yes you must each have time with friends but if the reason is for more that hanging out stay single you are not husband material and say… Read more »
What a bigoted wish list Dream on This is not what relationships are about Apparently they want to have their cake and eat it I do wonder how Jamaican women would cope with this kind of behaviour Where these guys in serious relationships at all ?
Obviously the thoughts of 5 men that only party and have the same lifestyle! #yrekcuf
Well there’s is many truths to these opinions of Jamaican men. I HAVE experienced some of their selfish, demanding and irresponsible behavior. The
types of men are very disgusting and out of order. OverAll it’s best to run like he’ll when u see them coming.
I bet these guys were in their late teens or early twenties. Some Jamaican men around this age tend to have some expectations that are very selfish. The problem i have with some Jamaican men is that they expect you to be a partner in bringing in the money but most of them still are not partners when it comes to domesticated chores around the house.
1. If you enjoy your time with your bredrin more than your woman….. something wrong with you or your relationship. 2.You nuh want a wife, you want another woman. 3. If she cant answer your phone. Its either you’re not mature enough to handle a relationship or she isn’t. 4. Pregnant women cant have sex too??? If its your sperm that got her pregnant why isn’t protection your responsibility? 5. wouldn’t have happened if you you saw protection as your responsibility. 6. Good sex will GET any man… not “KEEP”. Its the wholesome woman that will keep a man. 7.… Read more »
The only thing I would like to know is what age group do these men/boys fall into.
The only thing I would like to know is what age group do these men/boys fall into.
I think Jamaican men are screwed
I think Jamaican men are screwed
Lol…….. Cho backside dem Jamaican man ya no easy at all…….Mek me c wha go happen when d tables turn…Me no wan nobody a sarch me phone….. Me no go a club but to the ladies who go wit them girlfriends go hang out a d club a guess d man dem shudn upset neither….. And finalliy may God go wit unu and a whole host a angels caa unu need SALVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus inna unu so unu can c where unu go wrong… An memba condoms still exist cas some a unu no deserve fi get pickney And ladies tek… Read more »
What about women needs. I don’t really like the part that he cheats and I actually found out and I should not ask him about it. If I can’t talk to him about that then why staying in that relationship? He has to leave I am sorry.
All they are talking about is not to embarrass them they want to feel like a real man,what happen to when they flirt and makes us look stupid and turning a blind eye that’s crazy it not always about them and go a trip while we stay home bull shit!!!!relationships is about working together ,not for one person.
I want to see the female version of this 🙂
Two words.GROW UP
I suggest ladies you look outside your country like NZ or Australia men are different they involve their woman as their better half they show respect
I think sometimes men has a warp sense of being. These are not men, they are punks. The sad thing is every culture, ethnic group and even religions have allowed men to be this way, as we believe that this is how it must be (King Solomon crap in this day and age). See how these same punks are if the tables turn. Seriously!!!! I should not worry while you are out there contracting all manner of STIs to come and pass on to me?!! Life will just get worse if we don’t take a stand against immorality of this… Read more »
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My wife and I have been married since 1994, in the same christian faith that is, and, while we have been through lots of challenges on our journey, we have manage to establish a few policies based on the values we cherish. 1. We have our social friends but also moral boundaries of being friendly with them. 2. We have nothing to hide on on our phones or emails, though we are individually enjoying our privacy. She answers my calls and checks my emails whenever it is necessary and visa versa. 3. We call and check up on each other.… Read more »
Hog wash! I have come to learn that there are so many down low Jamaican men (in Jamaica) who have girlfriends baby mama’s and wives, so no they do not want you going through their phones and reading their messages.
I can understand numbers: 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9 the others HECK NO!
this sound like a bunch of kids
[…] (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When I collated the article “Ten Things Jamaican Men wish Jamaican women knew“ about Relationships, it was meant to be a satire […]
I just got dumber by reading this garbage
I just got dumber by reading this garbage
My fiancée would give me a stern look just for reading this.
My fiancée would give me a stern look just for reading this.
A bag of bull shit……………and it is not just Jamaican men its “MEN”.It takes a real man not to think like this,or maybe I should say suppress this ideology. 4,5,6,8 and nine is ok. everything else is gay shit(using a word men don’t want to be associate with…LOL).however I wish all men would just come straight out and say this shit from the beginning,lets see how many of them get any decent woman other than sluts and home wrecker type.Maybe women should start feeling the same way, then you will hear some of them bawl like a bitch about it.Remember… Read more »
a no man dem yah a likkle streggeh yout dem dem a describe… sounds like a pickney ting dem want kmt smh