Grade 1 in CSEC Maths For Entire Class at Wolmer’s Girls School!
An Incredible Achievement!
According to a release from The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC), for the May/June 2016 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations, 66 percent of overall subject entries achieved Grades I-III, the acceptable grades at CSEC.
Mathematics has for many years proven to be one of the more difficult Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) subjects.
This year, only 44 per cent of entries achieved acceptable grades in Mathematics.
Despite that dismal statistic, an entire fourth form class of 33 students at Wolmer’s Girls’ High School has earned passing grades in the difficult subject.
And to make the achievement even more impressive, all 33 students attained straight ‘A’ profiles, after only one year of preparation.
All students earned grades ones.
The names of the girls via The Observer are as follows:
Danae Anderson, Gardine Brooks, Britney Brown, Tamoy Campbell, Shadine Cunningham, Kimoy-Marie Douglas, Giselle Downer, Deandra Dyte, Jada Francis, Alyssa Graham, Shemaelia Greensword, Shanice Hardie, Howiecia Hunter, Toni-Ann Hunter, Nichaelia Hutton, Michelle Jackson, Lauri-Ann Johnson, Chevonna Lewis, Dacia Lyttle, Mikayla McFarlane, Tiana Morgan, Simone Murray, Kelsey Randal, Annieka Reno, Jhonniel Skellton, Ashli Smith, Tannekee Strachan, Lorianne Thomas, Kimari Tyrell, Shedeeka Watson, Samantha Williams, Jheanel Whyte, and Oneilia Yearde.

Source: The Observer
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