
Jamaican Hospitals in need of Major Revamping

It is an absolute  DISGRACE that many of the hospitals in Jamaica are so lacking, that for want of proper MEDICAL TREATMENT those who can afford it, need to travel OUTSIDE of Jamaica to get it.

On a trip to Jamaica I went with a friend to Kingston Public Hospital and was sick to my stomach to see the conditions there; from the rest rooms to the waiting rooms. 

It was deplorable to say the least.

However what stayed with me was that even with the CRIES of human suffering doctors and nurses walked by and could care less.

When a woman in her eighties  has with breast cancer, and her daughter has to send to MIAMI to obtain the needle needed to do the BIOPSY, something is wrong with that picture.


What is worse is the fact that she was diagnosed in JANUARY but was not NOT scheduled for surgery until DECEMBER because the list of patients needing surgery was so long.

hopitals need repair better service
Waiting area at a Jamaican Public Hospital – Credit:


A friend noticed a swelling in her right knee and was in so much pain she went to the UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL where she waited for almost 8 hours trying to see a doctor.

Tired of the long wait her sister took her to Andrews Memorial, where she was diagnosed as having a blood clot in the knee, and had to be placed on BED REST for weeks.

Some weeks ago there was the story of the young man who was waiting forever to see the doctor and fell out of his chair and hit his head, and laid there in a pool of blood for hours, before the hospital staff came and just threw him on a stretcher like a piece of meat, totally disregarding the FACT, that he had a INJURY TO THE HEAD.

The stories are endless, and they send the clear message that the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM in Jamaica is in DISARRAY.

What is telling however is the fact that those who have been placed in the capacity as Minister of Health, Hospital Administration, etc. still collect a pay check for doing absolutely nothing to ensure that the CITIZENS are treated HUMANELY.


Jamaica is so STRAPPED for cash, yet 57 MILLION DOLLARS can be found to spend on one day of FESTIVITY to celebrate a Independence.

Clearly something is wrong with that picture.

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