
What is the Role of the Government?

The role of the Government is to demonstrate that it has the aptitude, skills, and competence of creating policies and laws that are devoid of corruption, immorality, and party/self-gratification; but well seasoned and marinated in Morality, Accountability, Transparency, Honesty and Sincerity for the growth and development for ALL the people of the country.

It should not be tempted at any time to use its powers to arbitrarily impose policies and laws on the citizens of the country; but should always effectively communicate its intent and purpose for the creation of such policies and laws to the people via the Members of Parliament and media. However, in special cases where it honestly believe that certain policies and laws are necessary for the growth and development of the people and country, but were rejected by the people after detailed and effective communication, then it should not be afraid to use its powers at that time to pass those laws or implement those policies.

It should always be more than willing and comfortable to listen to any issues and viable alternatives that the Opposition puts on the table in Parliament, since no one government will ever be able to have all the answers and solutions to governance; and then expeditiously implement and/or amend the respective laws and policies with those viable alternatives put forward by the Opposition.

duties roles of GovernmentIt should not allow its intended sincerity of serving the people–who elected its members, and who are its members’ boss–to be tainted or eroded by its innate sinful desire to put ‘party over people’ and ‘politics over nation building’; but instead, consistently find the political will of creating and implementing policies and laws that have the teeth of sending its members to prison or punishing them accordingly if any such member decides to trod the highway of immorality and corruption.


Finally, it should consistently let its light so shine in the way it collects, budgets, and spends taxpayers’ dollars in order for the people to be comfortable and confident in doing or not doing whatever the Government asks of them in an effort to grow the economy, provide opportunities, enhance the lives of its citizens, and steer the country to a path of First World Status.

I am confident that if what I stated above is accepted and practised in Jamaica and the world, then we would no longer see the need to be dwelling on the negatives and ills–which would be so minuscule at that time–of the country and its people.

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