
31 Days in Honour of Child Month

child abuse, love children, child abuse in Jamaica

Parents and guardians are being encouraged by The National Child Month Committee to impart 31 days of love and affection to children during the entire month of May, which will be observed as Child Month.

At a JIS Think Tank seminar last week, Dr. Pauline Mullings, the National Child Month Committee Chairperson revealed that May calendar was created by the Committee which shows 31 ways in which citizens can demonstrate the nation’s love for children. Some of the actions that can be taken include:

Some of the 31 actions on the calendar indicating what parents and guardians could do are:

* Ask them (children) about themselves;


* Discuss their dreams;

* Ask them how they feel;

* Tell them a story;

* Play outside with them;

* Cook dinner together;

* Pray with them;

* Tolerate their interruptions; and


* Empower them to help themselves.

The NCC Chairperson stated that each day in May parents and caregivers would be encouraged to do something to indicate their love for children. 

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