
Genetically Modified Foods – food shortage by design and starvation by proxy!

The bottom line is that even while we lament  the global food shortage and try to make sense of this artificially created phenomenon……we must take into consideration the possibility of the systematic and deliberate, creation of markets for genetically modified crops…….

…..and the likelihood of powerful governments working together with multi national corporations to make it impossible for so called third world…developing…. countries to refuse the aid which comes married to gmos….like salt-fish and soap.

The bottom line is that ………genetically modified crops have grave implications for human health, the environment and global trade…and if its being forced on africa…….it is only a matter of time before we too will have to face that music…of whether to fight its infiltration like malawi……..or accept the consequences.

Put this in perspective……..just listen to this:

  • May 21, 2010…..the United States food and drug administration issues a nationwide alfalfa sprout recall because of a salmonella outbreak in 10 states
  • April 27, 2010 – for the first in its history the supreme court of the United States heard oral arguments on a case involving genetically modified crop made by Monsanto. The crop uses a genetically engineered herbicidal in alfalfa…known as ….”round up ready”
  • April 27, 2010…..the court of justice of the european communities was refereed by way of a preliminary ruling on feb. 3, 2010….cases involving monsanto sas….monsanto international…monsanto technology llc….monsanto international s.a.r.l…….monsanto agricultural france sas….monsanto europe sa……

The bottom line is that ……the debates here are relevant…..we must stop and examine ….like civilized, intelligent and thinking people…the scientific and factual issues concerning genetically modified crops and foods….the ethical and value issues…..the legal and institutional implications of countries dumping gmo crops on developing nations……and determine the risk assessments and societal issues.

The bottom line is that ……as a nation……as a people it is our duty to  engage in  these discussions…….our universities  must engage in scientific research….for the benefit of our people….on the continent of africa…in the caribbean and….wherever we are…..

The bottom line is that ….we must engage in debates on the benefits or lack thereof of genetically modified crops….what they are, what they do….how might genetically modified organisms affect the human genome?…….what are the implications for human health…..are they likely to cause cancers, for example….what are implications for human behaviour……are they likely to cause psychotic tendencies or personality disorders?

The bottom line is that……we must determine if we have a right to know the potential harmful side effects of gmos… in the short, medium or long term……and its implications for the current generation and generations to come.

The bottom line is that ……..we must decide if we have a right to know the degree or extent of our exposure to gmos….are they on our supermarket shelves………unlabeled ?….masquerading as cornmeal….flour….rice…..peas and beans….tofu….soya beans…..chicken ……. beef?

……are they being doled out to our farmers through our own ministry of agriculture….and if so to what extent?….

The bottom line is that ….whether we know now….or not… we as citizens have a right to be informed of our exposure to these products……or are we satisfied to allow our public officials to make these decisions on our behalf….without out consent? are we satisfied to remain totally ignorant about the type of food we are eating? ……..if it is affecting our health….our environment?


The bottom line is that ……Monsanto is one of the multi billion dollar corporations producing genetically modified crops and herbicide….soybeans, cotton etc….and its monopoly on this market…..means that it is one of the few multinational corporations that is poised to ultimately drive and dictate famine… determine the demographics in terms of starvation or plenty…..and we are of the view that ….in some twisted  way …we are already experiencing the impact of such political games….in africa… haiti… latin america and some parts of asia.

The bottom line is that….we must talk about regulation when it comes to food import…..ignorance is not bliss…..what are the long term benefits or harm of gmos ….what do we know….and how do we know it… other words have we been given this information by researchers funded by companies like monsanto?……do we have independent knowledge of the implications…or benefits… of gmos?

The bottom line is that…..until we do….we are in danger of food shortage by design and starvation by proxy!

That’s the bottom line!

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